Xenomai 再探
一、Xenomai API 接口使用总结
Alarm-操作: 在使用实时任务过程中,采用看门狗定时器进行延时操作时,会产生实时域到非实时域的上下文切换操作,从而导致实时线程实时性受到影响,具体如下:
void RT_TASK_CallBack_Handle(void *pUsrArg) { int err; T_RT_PARAM *rt_param = (T_RT_PARAM *)pUsrArg; rt_printf("## Running=[%d,%d] ##:%s-%d\n", rt_param->Param1, rt_param->Param2, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); while(1) { err = rt_alarm_wait(&rt_param->alarm_desc); // rt_printf("Hello Xenomai World!\n"); } }
通过xenomai程序状态文件查看 MSW 参数的情况,发现其一直在增加:
cat sched/stat
root@MM5718v1:/proc/xenomai# cat sched/stat CPU PID MSW CSW XSC PF STAT %CPU NAME 0 0 0 15690 0 0 00018000 99.8 [ROOT/0] 0 2869 14 17 77 0 000680c0 0.0 RTDemoExe 0 2871 1 21 44 0 00040042 0.0 timer-internal 0 2872 20 40 47 0 00048042 0.0 TEST_TASK 0 0 0 69867498 0 0 00000000 0.2 [IRQ20: [timer]]
Cond-操作: 在使用
err = rt_cond_bind(&cond, "TEST_COND_VAR_NAME", TM_INFINITE);
函数去跨函数绑定条件变量的过程中,此函数必须在实时任务中去调用,否则调用不成功,且不会阻塞等待到该条件变量的创建。 程序按下s
即可触发执行rt_printf("&&& Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n"); err = rt_cond_bind(&cond, "TEST_COND_VAR_NAME", TM_INFINITE); rt_printf("### Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n");
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &time_stamp); time_stamp.tv_sec += 5; // 需要将cond等待时间向后设置5s作为终止时间 rt_printf("The Current TimeStamp=[%ld:%ld]\n", time_stamp.tv_sec, time_stamp.tv_nsec); err = rt_cond_wait_timed(&cond, &mutex_var, &time_stamp); // 设置了cond条件等待的时间节点,如果到达时间节点,条件为被设置则返回超时错误 -ETIMEDOUT if(0 != err) { rt_printf("Xenomai-CondVariable wait Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM); }
注意: 目前对于cond条件的
Queue-操作: Xenomai提供了一套IPC实时线程通信方案
, 能够采用 bind 的方式在不同的实时线程中通过queue的名称获取指定的队列句柄,从而进行数据交换的操作,其基本使用流程如下:graph TD; 实时线程Task1-->定义Task1-rt_queue队列-->阻塞绑定队列1rt_queue_bind-->定时获取队列数据rt_queue_receive_timed-->使用相关数据-->释放数据内存rt_queue_free 实时线程Task2-->定义Task2-rt_queue队列-->阻塞绑定队列2rt_queue_bind-->申请数据内存rt_queue_alloc-->更新内存数据内容-->发送队列数据rt_queue_send 主实时线程Task-->定义原始rt_queue队列-->创建相关队列rt_queue_create-->while相关测试代码如下(编译程序,输入i键即可):
void RT_TASK_Queue_CallBack_Handle(void *pUsrArg) { int err; int counter = 0; int SamplePeriod = 200000000; T_RT_PARAM *rt_param = (T_RT_PARAM *)pUsrArg; rt_printf("## Running=[%d,%d] ##:%s-%d\n", rt_param->Param1, rt_param->Param2, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); RT_QUEUE rt_queue; RT_QUEUE_INFO rt_queue_info; rt_printf("&&& Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n"); err = rt_queue_bind(&rt_queue, "RT_QUEUE_DEMO", TM_INFINITE); rt_printf("### Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n"); err = rt_queue_inquire(&rt_queue, &rt_queue_info); rt_printf("The KeyBoard RT-Queue[%s]:\n", rt_queue_info.name); rt_printf(" Number of task currently waiting on the queue for messages:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.nwaiters); rt_printf(" Number of messages pending in queue:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.nmessages); rt_printf(" Queue Mode Bits:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.mode); rt_printf(" Maximum number of messages in queue:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.qlimit); rt_printf(" Size of memory pool for holding message buffers:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.poolsize); rt_printf(" Amount of memory consumed from the buffer pool:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.usedmem); struct timespec time_stamp; void *buf_addr = NULL; ssize_t buf_size; rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次 while(1) { rt_task_wait_period(NULL); rt_printf("Hello Xenomai-CondVariable World[%d]!\n", counter); clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &time_stamp); time_stamp.tv_nsec += 100000; // rt_printf("The Current TimeStamp=[%ld:%ld]\n", time_stamp.tv_sec, time_stamp.tv_nsec); buf_size = rt_queue_receive_timed(&rt_queue, &buf_addr, &time_stamp); if(buf_size > 0) { rt_printf("Show the Buffer Content:"); for(int i=0 ; i < buf_size ; i++) { rt_printf(" %d", ((char *)buf_addr)[i]); } rt_printf("\n"); } rt_queue_free(&rt_queue, buf_addr); } err = rt_queue_unbind(&rt_queue); }
HEAP-操作: 在使用Xenomai预先申请的内存池内容时,Xenomai提供了 heap 相关的操作API,在创建heap过程中,如果配置heap模式为
函数调用时,需要将所有内存全部申请完,否则程序报错。同时 Heap 内存操作还提供了rt_heap_bind
的绑定功能,从而能够方便 RT-Task 之间进行 IPC 内存共享通讯。具体参考程序:MainRTHeap.croot@MM5718v1:~/Burnish# ./RTDemoExe Heap Informations: Number of tasks waitting for aviliable memory alloc:0 The Heap Mode Flags given while Creation:0 Size of the Heap(Bytes) While Create:10 Bytes Maximum amount of memory avaliable from heap:1032 Bytes Amount of memory currently consumed:3250 Bytes Name of memory heap:HeapTest The iPointer[0]= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
?? Some-Bugs:
B1: 在一个实时线程中申请超过约 \(1MB\) 的内存时,发生错误 [-ENOMEM] ,当前系统配置总内存 \((52428800/1024/1024=50Mb)\) 如下所示:root@MM5718v1:~# cat /proc/xenomai/heap TOTAL FREE NAME 52428800 52427776 system heap 4194304 4194176 shared heap
- Heap 被
接口绑定的情况下只能申请到 200KB 的内存大小。 - Heap 在单一线程中可申请的最大 Heap 空间为 \(1MB\) 左右,也就是在 Xenomai 的实时线程中,对于单一实时线程的最大 Heap 申请大小进行了限制,这与Linux系统下的单进程的分配空间存在上限的情形相似。
- Heap 被
Mutex-操作: 在使用Xenomai架构支持的Mutex锁资源的相关接口过程中,基本上和普通线程的 Mutex-Lock 的使用方式基本一致,只是Xenomai的所有资源的共享方式都可以使用 bind 绑定的方式完成,因而无需在线程之间传递 Mutex 变量(这是由于Xenomai架构底层决定的,其所有资源的申请都不是临时/创建时申请的,而是在架构初始化时就完成了相关资源的初始化,后续只是在资源池中取出来分配给大家使用)。MainRTMutex.c
root@MM5718v1:~# ./Burnish/RTDemoExe ## Running ##:RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA-68 Heap Informations: Number of tasks waitting for aviliable memory alloc:0 The Heap Mode Flags given while Creation:1 Size of the Heap(Bytes) While Create:10 Bytes Maximum amount of memory avaliable from heap:1032 Bytes Amount of memory currently consumed:3250 Bytes Name of memory heap:HeapTest Task Get Info Error:[-22,-22,-43,-4,-11,-110,-1,-12,-17]! Mutex Informations: Owner-Current Mutex Hold Task@Name:? Owner-Current Mutex Hold Task@Priority:-1225016136 Name of Sync Mutex Lock:MutexTest The RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA iPointer[0]=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ===> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ## Running ##:RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB-212 Heap Informations: Number of tasks waitting for aviliable memory alloc:0 The Heap Mode Flags given while Creation:0 Size of the Heap(Bytes) While Create:10 Bytes Maximum amount of memory avaliable from heap:1032 Bytes Amount of memory currently consumed:3274 Bytes Name of memory heap:HeapTest Task Get Info Error:[-22,-22,-43,-4,-11,-110,-1,-12,-17]! Mutex Bind Informations: Owner-Current Mutex Hold Task@Name: Owner-Current Mutex Hold Task@Priority:0 Name of Sync Mutex Lock:MutexTest The RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB iPointer[0]=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ===> 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 The RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA iPointer[0]=100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 ===> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB iPointer[0]=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ===> 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 The RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA iPointer[0]=100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 ===> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB iPointer[0]=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ===> 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 The RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA iPointer[0]=100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 ===> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB iPointer[0]=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ===> 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
Pipe-操作: 管道Pipe作为一种半双工的IPC通信方式,在同一时刻只允许有一个进程或者线程对Pipe管道对象进行操作,因此需要在写入和读取端之间形成互斥,亦可以通过信号量的方式协调两端数据的读取写入过程,因此在下面的PIPE测试程序中,分别包括的 PipeServer 端、PipeClient 端,分别在两个终端下执行两个应用程序,测试其半双工通信功能。
I. 数据发送实时线程:RT_PIPE pipe; const char PipeName[] = "PipeTest"; const char writer_data[] = "Writer PIPE DATA..."; const char stream_data[] = "Stream PIPE DATA..."; err = rt_pipe_create(&pipe, PipeName, 1, 1000); // minor 用来配置在Linux设备端创建 /dev/rtpN 的过程中配置 N 的号码,当minor=1时,则创建的设备为 /dev/rtp1, 如果设置为P_MINOR_AUTO:设备Pipe节点自动创建功能 poolsize:0 Pipe管道缓冲池的大小,设置为0时则直接使用 Xenomai 系统的Heap空间 if(0 != err) { rt_printf("Pipe Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST); } while(1) { data_count = rt_pipe_write(&pipe, writer_data, strlen(writer_data), P_NORMAL); // 使用write的方式完成Pipe数据的传输过程 mode:P_URGENT 标识数据的后入先出顺序 LIFO | P_NORMAL==>FIFO rt_task_sleep(10); // rt-thread 实时线程延迟函数 相对延时函数 最小延迟精度 clock ticks 需要绝对延时时间使用 rt_task_sleep_until() 接口 data_count = rt_pipe_stream(&pipe, stream_data, strlen(writer_data)); // 使用流的方式Stream传输数据 rt_printf("RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA %d Datas Send over...\n", data_count); rt_task_wait_period(NULL); } err = rt_pipe_delete(&pipe); // 清理mutex资源 对于 Xenomai 的数据资源使用完之后一定要严格回收,否则会导致资源流失,影响整个系统的资源获取 if(0 != err) { rt_printf("Pipe Delete Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST); }
RT_PIPE pipe; const char PipeName[] = "PipeTest"; err = rt_pipe_bind(&pipe, PipeName, TM_NONBLOCK); // 不限时等待绑定 TM_INFINTE TM_NONBLOCK if(0 != err) { rt_printf("Pipe Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST); } ssize_t DataLen = 0; char data_read[10]={0}; while(1) { rt_task_wait_period(NULL); // 不能放在 continue 的下面 DataLen = rt_pipe_read(&pipe, data_read, 10, TM_NONBLOCK); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待读取到Pipe中的数据 if(DataLen < 0) { rt_printf("Pipe No Data Recieved Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", DataLen, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST); continue; } rt_printf("Recieve Data[%d]: %s\n", DataLen, data_read); } err = rt_pipe_unbind(&pipe); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待 TM_NONBLOCK if(0 != err) { rt_printf("Pipe Unbind Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST); }
数据发送接收普通线程: RTDemoExePipeClient.cFILE *PipeHandle = NULL; char DataBuffer[30]; PipeHandle = fopen("/dev/rtp1", "r"); // /dev/rtp1 此设备为 rtpN创建 Pipe 过程中产生的,N的编号为 rt_pipe_create 时,minor参数决定的 ssize_t DataLen = 0; while(1) { DataLen = fread(DataBuffer, 1, 30, PipeHandle); if( DataLen > 0 ) { for(int i = 0 ; i < DataLen ; i++) { printf("%c", DataBuffer[i]); } printf("\n"); } usleep(1000); }
通过 rt_pipe_create 接口创建了管道Pipe之后,会在
设备的 SymbolLink ,如下所示:root@MM5718v1:~# ls -al /proc/xenomai/registry/rtipc/xddp/PipeTest lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Nov 28 03:55 /proc/xenomai/registry/rtipc/xddp/PipeTest -> /dev/rtp1
cat /proc/xenomai/registry/rtipc/xddp/PipeTest
管道中的数据:Writer PIPE DATA...Stream PIPE DATA...Stream PIPE DATA...Stream PIPE DATA...Stream PIPE DATA...Stream PIPE DATA...
?? Some-Bugs:
B1: 在使用Xenomai提供的实时线程接口创建Pipe管道的过程中,由于Pipe是用来进行核间跨域通信的接口,不要在两个实时线程中尝试使用 Pipe ,经测试是无法完成数据传输功能的,所以这里一定需要注意!
Step1. 创建实时任务回调函数:void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA(void *pUsrArg) { int ret,err; int SamplePeriod = 200000000; rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次 while(1) { // do something ... rt_task_wait_period(NULL); // 等待下一个执行周期的到达 } }
Step2. 在主进程中创建并启动一个实时任务:
RT_TASK RTTaskHandleA; ret = rt_task_create(&RTTaskHandleA, "RTTaskHandleA", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE); // 创建一个实时线程 ret = rt_task_start(&RTTaskHandleA, &RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA, NULL); // 启动一个普通的实时任务,不通过 rt_alarm_wait 看门狗定时器延迟等待
?? B1 @ CPU死机?
接口来等待当前实时任务的完成,则不能跳过此函数重复执行While,否则将导致CPU被完全占用(死机),具体错误代码示例如下:while(1) { rt_task_wait_period(NULL); // 允许的 rt_task_wait_period 接口位置 DataLen = rt_pipe_read(&pipe, data_read, 10, TM_NONBLOCK); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待读取到Pipe中的数据 if(DataLen < 0) { rt_printf("Pipe No Data Recieved Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", DataLen, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST); continue; } // cotinue 一下的位置则不允许的 rt_task_wait_period 调用 rt_printf("Recieve Data[%d]: %s\n", DataLen, data_read); }
因此,从这个角度上可以猜测到 rt_task_wait_period 的功能在于针对确定定时范围内需要完成的任务,如果在定时任务定时范围之内完成的任务,则调用
?? B2 @ 出现了段错误rt_task_join
?? B3 @ 出现了 Lack of Core Thread EGAIN 导致无法正常申请到线程锁,任务无法正常启用?
排查过程如下,由于出现了线程资源匮乏的问题,考虑到使用的是实时线程,首先针对实时线程的记录文件进行排查,通过查看cat /proc/xenomai/register/usage
函数接口对实时线程进行删除回收时,可以发现实际上线程并未完成回收,尽管此时通过cat /proc/xenomai/sched/threads
创建的锁资源未解锁及释放,因此需要使用pthread_mutex_unlock & pthread_mutex_destroy
?? B4 @ 反复创建删除 RT_Task 过程中出现了内存增长的问题,而线程数量是未增涨?
资源回收线程的过程中,由于我使用了 T_JOINABLE 模式创建了该线程,因此在线程结束后的资源回收应该需要rt_task_join
对该线程进行回收操作才能完成所有资源回收。由于该线程无需 阻塞 join ,故此直接在创建该线程时采用#define POSGEN_TASK_MODE 0 /* No flags */
Semaphore-操作: PV-IPC信号操作作为实时线程间的互斥IPC通信方式,用于线程之间的数据信息同步操作,其功能类似于
的功能,但PV操作在阻塞的情况下可能会出现 优先级翻转的现象 ,而 Mutex 则不会出现这样的情况。
MainRTSem.cRT_SEM sem; const char SEMName[] = "SemTest"; err = rt_sem_create(&sem, SEMName, 2, S_FIFO); // S_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用Sem S_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用Sem if(0 != err) { printf("Sem Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST); } RT_SEM_INFO seminfo; err = rt_sem_inquire(&sem, &seminfo); // H_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用heap H_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用heap H_SINGLE 将创建的 heap内存当作一整个内存,在alloc申请时必须整块申请,否则会报错 if(0 != err) { printf("Sem Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST); } printf("Sem Informations:\n"); printf(" Current Semaphore Value:%ld\n", seminfo.count); printf(" Number of tasks waitting for this Semaphore:%d\n", seminfo.nwaiters); printf(" Name of Semaphore:%s\n", seminfo.name); int SamplePeriod = 200000000; rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次 while(1) { rt_sem_p(&sem, TM_INFINITE); // 永久等待 Semaphore 释放 rt_printf("## Running ##:%s-%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); #if SEMAPHORE_BROADCAST_TSET rt_sem_broadcast(&sem); #else rt_sem_v(&sem); // Unblock the semaphore #endif rt_task_wait_period(NULL); } err = rt_sem_delete(&sem); // 清理mutex资源 对于 Xenomai 的数据资源使用完之后一定要严格回收,否则会导致资源流失,影响整个系统的资源获取 if(0 != err) { printf("Semaphore Delete Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST); }
root@MM5718v1:~# ./Burnish/RTDemoExe Sem Informations: Current Semaphore Value:2 Number of tasks waitting for this Semaphore:0 Name of Semaphore:SemTest ## Running-SemaphoreValue[1] ##:RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA-104 Sem Bind Informations: Current Semaphore Value:2 Number of tasks waitting for this Semaphore:0 Name of Semaphore:SemTest ## Running-SemaphoreValue[1] ##:RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB-170 ## Running-SemaphoreValue[1] ##:RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA-104 ...
?? B1 @ 运行相关程序运行后报如下错误?0"000.000| BUG in low_init(): [main] Cobalt core not enabled in kernel
- 可能是由于在内核编译的过程中未使能 Xenomai 的部分,或者在Linux编译前,Kernel源代码的实时内核Xenomai补丁未打.
二、Source Code & Compile System
main.c 主要测试了 ALRAM;COND;QUEUE;EVENT 相关内容
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <native/timer.h>
#include <native/task.h>
#include <native/alarm.h>
#include <native/cond.h>
#include <native/queue.h>
#include <native/event.h>
#define TASK_PRIO 99 /* Highest RT Priority */
#define TASK_MODE 0 /* No Flags */
#define TASK_STKSZ 0 /* Stack Size(Use Default One) */
void RTKeyboardMonitor(void *arg);
void *KeyboardMonitor(void *arg);
typedef struct ST_RT_PARAM{
int Param1;
int Param2;
RT_ALARM alarm_desc;
RT_TASK server_desc;
void RT_TASK_CallBack_Handle(void *pUsrArg);
void RT_TASK_CallBack_Handle1(void *pUsrArg);
void RT_TASK_Cond_CallBack_Handle(void *pUsrArg);
void RT_TASK_Queue_CallBack_Handle(void *pUsrArg);
void RT_TASK_Event_CallBack_Handle(void *pUsrArg);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ret,err;
pthread_t ThreadM;
T_RT_PARAM *rt_param = (T_RT_PARAM *)malloc(sizeof(T_RT_PARAM));
#if ALRAM_DEBUG_MACRO // Alarm 看门狗定时器测试用例
unsigned int ALARM_VALUE = 500000; /* Firstshot at now + 500us */
unsigned long long ALARM_INTERVAL = 2500000000; /* Period is 250us */
ret = rt_alarm_create(&rt_param->alarm_desc, "TEST_ALARM"); // ret = rt_alarm_create(&alarm, "TEST_ALARM", RT_TASK_CallBack_Handle, rt_param);
if(ret != 0)
printf("rt_alarm_create Error...\n");
ret = rt_alarm_start(&rt_param->alarm_desc, ALARM_VALUE, ALARM_INTERVAL); // 配置了 看门狗定时器的整体延迟时间
// 普通实时线程创建 不调用 rt_alarm_wait
ret = rt_task_create(&rt_param->server_desc, "TEST_TASK", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE); // 创建一个实时线程
ret = rt_task_start(&rt_param->server_desc, &RT_TASK_CallBack_Handle1, rt_param); // 启动一个普通的实时任务,不通过 rt_alarm_wait 看门狗定时器延迟等待
// 使用看门狗定时器的任务
RT_TASK server1_desc;
ret = rt_task_create(&server1_desc, "server1_desc", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE);
ret = rt_task_start(&server1_desc, &RT_TASK_CallBack_Handle, rt_param);
#if COND_DEBUG_MACRO // Cond 条件变量测试
// pthread_create(&ThreadM, NULL, KeyboardMonitor, NULL);
RT_TASK server1_desc, server2_desc, keyboard_desc;
ret = rt_task_create(&server1_desc, "server1_desc", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE);
ret = rt_task_start(&server1_desc, &RT_TASK_CallBack_Handle1, rt_param);
ret = rt_task_create(&server2_desc, "server2_desc", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE);
ret = rt_task_start(&server2_desc, &RT_TASK_Cond_CallBack_Handle, rt_param);
ret = rt_task_create(&keyboard_desc, "keyboard_desc", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE);
ret = rt_task_start(&keyboard_desc, &RTKeyboardMonitor, NULL);
RT_COND cond;
RT_COND_INFO cond_info;
ret = rt_cond_create(&cond, "TEST_COND_VAR_NAME");
ret = rt_cond_inquire(&cond, &cond_info);
rt_printf("The Condition Name:%s\n", cond_info.name);
#if QUEUE_DEBUG_MACRO // Buffer 线程IPC通信测试
size_t pool_size = 100;
size_t qlimit = 1000;
int Mode = Q_FIFO;
RT_QUEUE rt_queue;
RT_QUEUE_INFO rt_queue_info;
RT_TASK server1_desc, server2_desc, keyboard_desc;
ret = rt_task_create(&server2_desc, "server2_desc", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE);
ret = rt_task_start(&server2_desc, &RT_TASK_Queue_CallBack_Handle, rt_param);
ret = rt_task_create(&keyboard_desc, "keyboard_desc", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE);
ret = rt_task_start(&keyboard_desc, &RTKeyboardMonitor, NULL);
err = rt_queue_create(&rt_queue, "RT_QUEUE_DEMO", pool_size, qlimit, Mode);
err = rt_queue_inquire(&rt_queue, &rt_queue_info);
rt_printf("The Main RT-Queue[%s]:\n", rt_queue_info.name);
rt_printf(" Number of task currently waiting on the queue for messages:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.nwaiters);
rt_printf(" Number of messages pending in queue:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.nmessages);
rt_printf(" Queue Mode Bits:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.mode);
rt_printf(" Maximum number of messages in queue:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.qlimit);
rt_printf(" Size of memory pool for holding message buffers:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.poolsize);
rt_printf(" Amount of memory consumed from the buffer pool:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.usedmem);
#if EVENT_DEBUG_MACRO // Event 事件触发测试
int ivalue = 0x11;
int Mode = EV_ANY;
RT_EVENT rt_event;
RT_EVENT_INFO rt_event_info;
RT_TASK server1_desc, server2_desc, keyboard_desc;
ret = rt_task_create(&server2_desc, "server2_desc", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE);
ret = rt_task_start(&server2_desc, &RT_TASK_Event_CallBack_Handle, rt_param);
ret = rt_task_create(&keyboard_desc, "keyboard_desc", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE);
ret = rt_task_start(&keyboard_desc, &RTKeyboardMonitor, NULL);
err = rt_event_create(&rt_event, "RT_EVENT_DEMO", ivalue, Mode);
err = rt_event_inquire(&rt_event, &rt_event_info);
rt_printf("The KeyBoard RT-Event[%s]:\n", rt_event_info.name);
rt_printf(" Current value of the event flag group:[%d]\n", rt_event_info.nwaiters);
rt_printf(" Number of tasks currently waiting for events:[%d]\n", rt_event_info.value);
return 0;
void clean_up(T_RT_PARAM *rt_param)
void RTKeyboardMonitor(void *arg)
int flag, err;
char Key = 0;
RT_EVENT rt_event;
RT_EVENT_INFO rt_event_info;
rt_printf("&&& Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n");
err = rt_event_bind(&rt_event, "RT_EVENT_DEMO", TM_INFINITE);
rt_printf("### Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n");
err = rt_event_inquire(&rt_event, &rt_event_info);
rt_printf("The KeyBoard RT-Event[%s]:\n", rt_event_info.name);
rt_printf(" Current value of the event flag group:[%d]\n", rt_event_info.nwaiters);
rt_printf(" Number of tasks currently waiting for events:[%d]\n", rt_event_info.value);
RT_QUEUE rt_queue;
RT_QUEUE_INFO rt_queue_info;
rt_printf("&&& Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n");
err = rt_queue_bind(&rt_queue, "RT_QUEUE_DEMO", TM_INFINITE); // bind 绑定Xenomai-RT Task 的全局 Queue 资源
rt_printf("### Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n");
err = rt_queue_inquire(&rt_queue, &rt_queue_info); // 获取queue相关的基础信息
rt_printf("The KeyBoard RT-Queue[%s]:\n", rt_queue_info.name);
rt_printf(" Number of task currently waiting on the queue for messages:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.nwaiters);
rt_printf(" Number of messages pending in queue:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.nmessages);
rt_printf(" Queue Mode Bits:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.mode);
rt_printf(" Maximum number of messages in queue:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.qlimit);
rt_printf(" Size of memory pool for holding message buffers:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.poolsize);
rt_printf(" Amount of memory consumed from the buffer pool:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.usedmem);
RT_COND cond;
RT_COND_INFO cond_info;
rt_printf("&&& Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n");
err = rt_cond_bind(&cond, "TEST_COND_VAR_NAME", TM_INFINITE);
rt_printf("### Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n");
err = rt_cond_inquire(&cond, &cond_info);
rt_printf("The Condition Name:%s\n", cond_info.name);
Key = getchar();
if(Key == 10) continue; // continue:避免重复输出getchar缓冲区中的内容
if('B' == Key)
flag = rt_cond_broadcast(&cond);
rt_printf("rt_cond_broadcast:%d\n", flag);
if('s' == Key)
flag = rt_cond_signal(&cond);
rt_printf("rt_cond_signal:%d\n", flag);
if('i' == Key)
char *buffers = rt_queue_alloc(&rt_queue, 10);
for(int i=0; i < 10 ; i++)
buffers[i] = i;
flag = rt_queue_send(&rt_queue, buffers, 10, Q_NORMAL);
rt_printf("rt_queue_send:%d\n", flag);
if('e' == Key)
err = rt_event_signal(&rt_event, 0x11);
rt_printf("rt_event_signal:%d\n", err);
if('k' == Key)
void *KeyboardMonitor(void *arg)
int flag, err;
char Key = 0;
RT_COND cond;
rt_printf("&&& Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n");
err = rt_cond_bind(&cond, "TEST_COND_VAR_NAME", TM_INFINITE);
rt_printf("### Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n");
Key = getchar();
if(Key == 10) continue; // continue:避免重复输出getchar缓冲区中的内容
if('B' == Key)
flag = rt_cond_broadcast(&cond);
if('s' == Key)
flag = rt_cond_signal(&cond);
if('k' == Key)
return NULL;
void RT_TASK_CallBack_Handle(void *pUsrArg)
int err;
T_RT_PARAM *rt_param = (T_RT_PARAM *)pUsrArg;
rt_printf("## Running=[%d,%d] ##:%s-%d\n", rt_param->Param1, rt_param->Param2, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
err = rt_alarm_wait(&rt_param->alarm_desc); // 这里会存在 切换到 Secondery Mode 的情况,导致MSW一直增加
rt_printf("Hello Xenomai World!\n");
void RT_TASK_CallBack_Handle1(void *pUsrArg)
int err;
int SamplePeriod = 200000000;
T_RT_PARAM *rt_param = (T_RT_PARAM *)pUsrArg;
rt_printf("## Running=[%d,%d] ##:%s-%d\n", rt_param->Param1, rt_param->Param2, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次
rt_printf("Hello Xenomai World-1!\n");
void RT_TASK_Cond_CallBack_Handle(void *pUsrArg)
int err;
int counter = 0;
int SamplePeriod = 200000000;
T_RT_PARAM *rt_param = (T_RT_PARAM *)pUsrArg;
rt_printf("## Running=[%d,%d] ##:%s-%d\n", rt_param->Param1, rt_param->Param2, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
RT_COND cond;
RT_COND_INFO cond_info;
RT_MUTEX mutex_var;
err = rt_mutex_create(&mutex_var, "rt_mutex");
err = rt_cond_bind(&cond, "TEST_COND_VAR_NAME", TM_INFINITE);
rt_printf("### Hello Xenomai-CondVariable World!\n");
err = rt_cond_inquire(&cond, &cond_info);
rt_printf("The Condition Name:%s\n", cond_info.name);
struct timespec time_stamp;
rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次
rt_printf("Hello Xenomai-CondVariable World[%d]!\n", counter);
if(counter > 50)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &time_stamp);
time_stamp.tv_sec += 5;
rt_printf("The Current TimeStamp=[%ld:%ld]\n", time_stamp.tv_sec, time_stamp.tv_nsec);
err = rt_cond_wait_timed(&cond, &mutex_var, &time_stamp); // 设置了cond条件等待的时间节点,如果到达时间节点,条件为被设置则返回超时错误 -ETIMEDOUT
if(0 != err)
rt_printf("Xenomai-CondVariable wait Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM);
counter = 0;
err = rt_cond_unbind(&cond);
void RT_TASK_Queue_CallBack_Handle(void *pUsrArg)
int err;
int counter = 0;
int SamplePeriod = 200000000;
T_RT_PARAM *rt_param = (T_RT_PARAM *)pUsrArg;
rt_printf("## Running=[%d,%d] ##:%s-%d\n", rt_param->Param1, rt_param->Param2, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
RT_QUEUE rt_queue;
RT_QUEUE_INFO rt_queue_info;
rt_printf("&&& Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n");
err = rt_queue_bind(&rt_queue, "RT_QUEUE_DEMO", TM_INFINITE);
rt_printf("### Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n");
err = rt_queue_inquire(&rt_queue, &rt_queue_info);
rt_printf("The KeyBoard RT-Queue[%s]:\n", rt_queue_info.name);
rt_printf(" Number of task currently waiting on the queue for messages:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.nwaiters);
rt_printf(" Number of messages pending in queue:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.nmessages);
rt_printf(" Queue Mode Bits:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.mode);
rt_printf(" Maximum number of messages in queue:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.qlimit);
rt_printf(" Size of memory pool for holding message buffers:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.poolsize);
rt_printf(" Amount of memory consumed from the buffer pool:[%d]\n", rt_queue_info.usedmem);
struct timespec time_stamp;
void *buf_addr = NULL;
ssize_t buf_size;
rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次
rt_printf("Hello Xenomai-CondVariable World[%d]!\n", counter);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &time_stamp);
time_stamp.tv_nsec += 100000;
// rt_printf("The Current TimeStamp=[%ld:%ld]\n", time_stamp.tv_sec, time_stamp.tv_nsec);
buf_size = rt_queue_receive_timed(&rt_queue, &buf_addr, &time_stamp);
if(buf_size > 0)
rt_printf("Show the Buffer Content:");
for(int i=0 ; i < buf_size ; i++)
rt_printf(" %d", ((char *)buf_addr)[i]);
rt_queue_free(&rt_queue, buf_addr);
err = rt_queue_unbind(&rt_queue);
void RT_TASK_Event_CallBack_Handle(void *pUsrArg)
int err;
int counter = 0;
int SamplePeriod = 200000000;
T_RT_PARAM *rt_param = (T_RT_PARAM *)pUsrArg;
rt_printf("## Running=[%d,%d] ##:%s-%d\n", rt_param->Param1, rt_param->Param2, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
RT_EVENT rt_event;
RT_EVENT_INFO rt_event_info;
rt_printf("&&& Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n");
err = rt_event_bind(&rt_event, "RT_EVENT_DEMO", TM_INFINITE);
rt_printf("### Hello KeyboardMonitor World!\n");
err = rt_event_inquire(&rt_event, &rt_event_info);
rt_printf("The KeyBoard RT-Event[%s]:\n", rt_event_info.name);
rt_printf(" Current value of the event flag group:[%d]\n", rt_event_info.nwaiters);
rt_printf(" Number of tasks currently waiting for events:[%d]\n", rt_event_info.value);
struct timespec time_stamp;
unsigned int mask = 0x11;
unsigned int mask_r;
int mode = EV_ANY;
rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次
rt_printf("Hello Xenomai-CondVariable World[%d]:%d!\n", counter, mask_r);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &time_stamp);
time_stamp.tv_sec += 5;
// rt_printf("The Current TimeStamp=[%ld:%ld]\n", time_stamp.tv_sec, time_stamp.tv_nsec);
err = rt_event_wait_timed(&rt_event, mask, &mask_r, mode, &time_stamp);
if(0 != err)
rt_printf("Xenomai-CondVariable wait Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM);
err = rt_event_unbind(&rt_event);
MainRTHeap.c 主要测试了 HEAP 相关内容
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <native/timer.h>
#include <native/task.h>
#include <native/alarm.h>
#include <native/cond.h>
#include <native/queue.h>
#include <native/event.h>
#include <native/heap.h>
#define TASK_PRIO 99 /* Highest RT Priority */
#define TASK_MODE 0 /* No Flags */
#define TASK_STKSZ 0 /* Stack Size(Use Default One) */
#define TEST_HEAP_BYTE_SIZE 1024*1536 // *1024*3
void RTKeyboardMonitor(void *arg);
#define PointerCastTest 0
#if PointerCastTest
typedef void * vaddr_t;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ret,err;
#if PointerCastTest
vaddr_t p;
p = (vaddr_t)malloc(64);
*(int *)p = 10;
for(int i=0; i<64 ; i++)
*(int *)(p+i) = 10;
// printf("The Data Content of P[%d]:%x\n", i, *(int *)(p+i));
vaddr_t PTest = p;
printf("PTest = %p=%p @ PTest Address:%p Content:%x\n", PTest, p, &PTest, *(int *)PTest);
PTest = *((vaddr_t*)PTest);
printf("PTest = %p=%p @ PTest Address:%p Content:%x\n", PTest, p, &PTest, *(int *)p);
// RT_HEAP *heap = NULL; // 这样申请时错误的,实际上rt_heap_create只是创建了以及ID号给heap,需要一个实体
RT_HEAP heap;
// int Array[1024*1024*3];
int *Array = malloc(1024*1024*3*sizeof(int));
const char HeapName[] = "HeapTest";
err = rt_heap_create(&heap, HeapName, TEST_HEAP_BYTE_SIZE, H_SINGLE); // H_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用heap H_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用heap H_SINGLE 将创建的 heap内存当作一整个内存,在alloc申请时必须整块申请,否则会报错
if(0 != err)
printf("Heap Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
#if 0 // 测试一下分两次创建 Heap 的容量大小 发现能够申请到的最大内存约为 800KB
RT_HEAP HeapBlock0;
err = rt_heap_create(&HeapBlock0, "HeapBlock0", TEST_HEAP_BYTE_SIZE, H_SINGLE); // H_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用heap H_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用heap H_SINGLE 将创建的 heap内存当作一整个内存,在alloc申请时必须整块申请,否则会报错
if(0 != err)
printf("HeapBlock0 Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
RT_HEAP_INFO heapinfo;
err = rt_heap_inquire(&heap, &heapinfo); // H_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用heap H_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用heap H_SINGLE 将创建的 heap内存当作一整个内存,在alloc申请时必须整块申请,否则会报错
if(0 != err)
printf("Heap Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
printf("Heap Informations:\n");
printf(" Number of tasks waitting for aviliable memory alloc:%d\n", heapinfo.nwaiters);
printf(" The Heap Mode Flags given while Creation:%d\n", heapinfo.mode);
printf(" Size of the Heap(Bytes) While Create:%d Bytes\n", heapinfo.heapsize);
printf(" Maximum amount of memory avaliable from heap:%d Bytes\n", heapinfo.usablemem);
printf(" Amount of memory currently consumed:%d Bytes\n", heapinfo.usedmem);
printf(" Name of memory heap:%s\n", heapinfo.name);
char *iPointer = NULL;
err = rt_heap_alloc(&heap, TEST_HEAP_BYTE_SIZE, TM_NONBLOCK, (void **)&iPointer); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待 TM_NONBLOCK 不等待直接返回
if(0 != err)
printf("Heap Alloc Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
printf("The iPointer[%d]=KB\n", TEST_HEAP_BYTE_SIZE/1024);
for(int i=0; i < TEST_HEAP_BYTE_SIZE ; i++)
iPointer[i] = i; // 对申请到的内存进行赋值操作
// printf("%d ",iPointer[i]);
err = rt_heap_free(&heap, iPointer); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待 TM_NONBLOCK
if(0 != err)
printf("Heap Free Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
err = rt_heap_delete(&heap); // H_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用heap H_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用heap
if(0 != err)
printf("Heap Delete Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
return 0;
MainRTMutex.c 主要测试了 MUTEX 相关内容
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <native/timer.h>
#include <native/task.h>
#include <native/alarm.h>
#include <native/cond.h>
#include <native/queue.h>
#include <native/event.h>
#include <native/heap.h>
#include <native/mutex.h>
#define DEBUG 0
#define debug_rt_printf(...) rt_printf(__VA_ARGS__);
#define debug_rt_printf(...) ;
#define TASK_PRIO 99 /* Highest RT Priority */
#define TASK_MODE 0 /* No Flags */
#define TASK_STKSZ 0 /* Stack Size(Use Default One) */
#define TEST_HEAP_BYTE_SIZE 1024*200 // 1024*800 // 10
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA(void *pUsrArg);
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB(void *pUsrArg);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ret,err;
RT_TASK RTTaskHandleA;
ret = rt_task_create(&RTTaskHandleA, "RTTaskHandleA", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE); // 创建一个实时线程
ret = rt_task_start(&RTTaskHandleA, &RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA, NULL); // 启动一个普通的实时任务,不通过 rt_alarm_wait 看门狗定时器延迟等待
RT_TASK RTTaskHandleB;
ret = rt_task_create(&RTTaskHandleB, "RTTaskHandleB", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO - 80, TASK_MODE); // 创建一个实时线程 线程优先级可以测试 但是未发现影响 可能定时完成时间充足,未发现阻塞的情况
ret = rt_task_start(&RTTaskHandleB, &RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB, NULL); // 启动一个普通的实时任务,不通过 rt_alarm_wait 看门狗定时器延迟等待
return 0;
* 函数名称: // void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA(void *pUsrArg)
* 功能描述: // 创建共享 Heap 堆内存 以及 Mutex 锁,并通过 RT_Mutex 锁获取抢占共享资源
* 访问的表: //
* 修改的表: //
* 输出参数: // 对输出参数的说明
* 返 回 值: //
* 其它说明: // 其它说明
* 修改日期 修改人 修改内容
* -----------------------------------------------
* 2021/11/02 XXXX XXXX
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA(void *pUsrArg)
int ret,err;
rt_printf("## Running ##:%s-%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// RT_HEAP *heap = NULL; // 这样申请时错误的,实际上rt_heap_create只是创建了以及ID号给heap,需要一个实体
RT_HEAP heap;
const char HeapName[] = "HeapTest";
err = rt_heap_create(&heap, HeapName, TEST_HEAP_BYTE_SIZE, H_SINGLE); // H_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用heap H_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用heap H_SINGLE 将创建的 heap内存当作一整个内存,在alloc申请时必须整块申请,否则会报错
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Heap Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
// usleep(1000);
RT_HEAP_INFO heapinfo;
err = rt_heap_inquire(&heap, &heapinfo); // H_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用heap H_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用heap H_SINGLE 将创建的 heap内存当作一整个内存,在alloc申请时必须整块申请,否则会报错
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Heap Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
rt_printf("Heap Informations:\n");
rt_printf(" Number of tasks waitting for aviliable memory alloc:%d\n", heapinfo.nwaiters);
rt_printf(" The Heap Mode Flags given while Creation:%d\n", heapinfo.mode);
rt_printf(" Size of the Heap(Bytes) While Create:%d Bytes\n", heapinfo.heapsize);
rt_printf(" Maximum amount of memory avaliable from heap:%d Bytes\n", heapinfo.usablemem);
rt_printf(" Amount of memory currently consumed:%d Bytes\n", heapinfo.usedmem);
rt_printf(" Name of memory heap:%s\n", heapinfo.name);
char *iPointer = NULL;
err = rt_heap_alloc(&heap, TEST_HEAP_BYTE_SIZE, TM_NONBLOCK, (void **)&iPointer); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待 TM_NONBLOCK 不等待直接返回 从堆当中获取对应大小的 Heap 资源
if(0 != err)
rt_printf("Heap Alloc Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
RT_MUTEX mutex;
const char MutexName[] = "MutexTest";
err = rt_mutex_create(&mutex, MutexName); // 创建一个锁变量
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Mutex Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
rt_task_sleep(1000); // nano second
RT_MUTEX_INFO mutexinfo; // 获取锁的基本信息
err = rt_mutex_inquire(&mutex, &mutexinfo); // RT_MUTEX_INFO 结构体当中的第一个成员变量为 RT_TASK结构体,标识了当前锁被某一个实时任务占用着,可以通过 rt_task_inquire() 函数接口实现对任务信息的获取
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Mutex Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
RT_TASK_INFO taskinfo; // 获取Task任务的基本信息-通过锁中保存的实时任务基本结构
err = rt_task_inquire(&mutexinfo.owner, &taskinfo); // RT_MUTEX_INFO 结构体当中的第一个成员变量为 RT_TASK结构体,标识了当前锁被某一个实时任务占用着,可以通过 rt_task_inquire() 函数接口实现对任务信息的获取
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Task Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
debug_rt_printf("Mutex Informations:\n");
debug_rt_printf(" Owner-Current Mutex Hold Task@Name:%s\n", taskinfo.name);
debug_rt_printf(" Owner-Current Mutex Hold Task@Priority:%d\n", taskinfo.prio);
debug_rt_printf(" Name of Sync Mutex Lock:%s\n", mutexinfo.name);
int SamplePeriod = 200000000;
rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次
// Get the Mutex Lock
err = rt_mutex_acquire(&mutex, TM_INFINITE); // 清理mutex资源 对于 Xenomai 的数据资源使用完之后一定要严格回收,否则会导致资源流失,影响整个系统的资源获取 TM_INFINITE 一直等待锁的获取
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Task Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
debug_rt_printf("The RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA iPointer[%d]=");
for(int i=0; i < TEST_HEAP_BYTE_SIZE ; i++)
debug_rt_printf("%d ",iPointer[i]); // 打印被实时线程B修改后的 共享内存Heap中的值
debug_rt_printf(" ===> ");
for(int i=0; i < TEST_HEAP_BYTE_SIZE ; i++)
iPointer[i] = i; // 对申请到的内存进行赋值操作
debug_rt_printf("%d ",iPointer[i]);
// Release the Mutex Lock
err = rt_mutex_release(&mutex); // 清理mutex资源 对于 Xenomai 的数据资源使用完之后一定要严格回收,否则会导致资源流失,影响整个系统的资源获取
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Task Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
err = rt_heap_free(&heap, iPointer); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待 TM_NONBLOCK
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Heap Free Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
err = rt_heap_delete(&heap); // H_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用heap H_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用heap
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Heap Delete Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
err = rt_mutex_release(&mutex); // 清理mutex资源 对于 Xenomai 的数据资源使用完之后一定要严格回收,否则会导致资源流失,影响整个系统的资源获取
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Task Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
err = rt_mutex_delete(&mutex); // 清理mutex资源 对于 Xenomai 的数据资源使用完之后一定要严格回收,否则会导致资源流失,影响整个系统的资源获取
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Task Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
* 函数名称: // void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB(void *pUsrArg)
* 功能描述: // 通过 Bind 相关接口,获取实时线程A中创建的Heap以及Mutex,从而通过获取Mutex的权限对共享内存Heap的内容进行修改
* 访问的表: //
* 修改的表: //
* 输出参数: // 对输出参数的说明
* 返 回 值: //
* 其它说明: // 其它说明
* 修改日期 修改人 修改内容
* -----------------------------------------------
* 2021/11/02 XXXX XXXX
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB(void *pUsrArg)
int ret,err;
#if HEAP_MAX_CREATE_TEST // 在这里有两个 RT-Task 都进行了 Heap 内存空间的申请操作,发现两边都可以申请到Heap空间
RT_HEAP heap1;
const char HeapName1[] = "HeapTest1";
err = rt_heap_create(&heap1, HeapName1, TEST_HEAP_BYTE_SIZE*4, H_SINGLE); // H_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用heap H_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用heap H_SINGLE 将创建的 heap内存当作一整个内存,在alloc申请时必须整块申请,否则会报错
if(0 != err)
rt_printf("Heap1 Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
RT_HEAP_INFO heapinfo1;
err = rt_heap_inquire(&heap1, &heapinfo1); // H_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用heap H_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用heap H_SINGLE 将创建的 heap内存当作一整个内存,在alloc申请时必须整块申请,否则会报错
if(0 != err)
rt_printf("Heap1 Create Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
rt_printf("Heap1 Informations:\n");
rt_printf(" Number of tasks waitting for aviliable memory alloc:%d\n", heapinfo1.nwaiters);
rt_printf(" The Heap Mode Flags given while Creation:%d\n", heapinfo1.mode);
rt_printf(" Size of the Heap(Bytes) While Create:%d Bytes\n", heapinfo1.heapsize);
rt_printf(" Maximum amount of memory avaliable from heap:%d Bytes\n", heapinfo1.usablemem);
rt_printf(" Amount of memory currently consumed:%d Bytes\n", heapinfo1.usedmem);
rt_printf(" Name of memory heap:%s\n", heapinfo1.name);
rt_printf("## Running ##:%s-%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// RT_HEAP *heap = NULL; // 这样申请时错误的,实际上rt_heap_create只是创建了以及ID号给heap,需要一个实体
RT_HEAP heap;
const char HeapName[] = "HeapTest";
err = rt_heap_bind(&heap, HeapName, TM_INFINITE); // TM_INFINITE 无限时间等待bind到指定的heap内存堆
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Heap Bind Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
RT_HEAP_INFO heapinfo;
err = rt_heap_inquire(&heap, &heapinfo); // H_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用heap H_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用heap H_SINGLE 将创建的 heap内存当作一整个内存,在alloc申请时必须整块申请,否则会报错
if(0 != err)
rt_printf("Heap Bind Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
rt_printf("Heap Bind Informations:\n");
rt_printf(" Number of tasks waitting for aviliable memory alloc:%d\n", heapinfo.nwaiters);
rt_printf(" The Heap Mode Flags given while Creation:%d\n", heapinfo.mode);
rt_printf(" Size of the Heap(Bytes) While Create:%d Bytes\n", heapinfo.heapsize);
rt_printf(" Maximum amount of memory avaliable from heap:%d Bytes\n", heapinfo.usablemem);
rt_printf(" Amount of memory currently consumed:%d Bytes\n", heapinfo.usedmem);
rt_printf(" Name of memory heap:%s\n", heapinfo.name);
char *iPointer = NULL;
err = rt_heap_alloc(&heap, TEST_HEAP_BYTE_SIZE, TM_NONBLOCK, (void **)&iPointer); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待 TM_NONBLOCK 不等待直接返回
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Heap Alloc Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
RT_MUTEX mutex;
const char MutexName[] = "MutexTest";
err = rt_mutex_bind(&mutex, MutexName, TM_INFINITE); // 创建一个锁变量
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Mutex Bind Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
// usleep(1000);
RT_MUTEX_INFO mutexinfo; // 获取锁的基本信息
err = rt_mutex_inquire(&mutex, &mutexinfo); // RT_MUTEX_INFO 结构体当中的第一个成员变量为 RT_TASK结构体,标识了当前锁被某一个实时任务占用着,可以通过 rt_task_inquire() 函数接口实现对任务信息的获取
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Mutex Bind Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
RT_TASK_INFO taskinfo; // 获取Task任务的基本信息-通过锁中保存的实时任务基本结构
err = rt_task_inquire(&mutexinfo.owner, &taskinfo); // RT_MUTEX_INFO 结构体当中的第一个成员变量为 RT_TASK结构体,标识了当前锁被某一个实时任务占用着,可以通过 rt_task_inquire() 函数接口实现对任务信息的获取
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Task Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
debug_rt_printf("Mutex Bind Informations:\n");
debug_rt_printf(" Owner-Current Mutex Hold Task@Name:%s\n", taskinfo.name);
debug_rt_printf(" Owner-Current Mutex Hold Task@Priority:%d\n", taskinfo.prio);
debug_rt_printf(" Name of Sync Mutex Lock:%s\n", mutexinfo.name);
int SamplePeriod = 200000000;
rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次
// Get the Mutex Lock
err = rt_mutex_acquire(&mutex, TM_INFINITE); // 清理mutex资源 对于 Xenomai 的数据资源使用完之后一定要严格回收,否则会导致资源流失,影响整个系统的资源获取 TM_INFINITE 一直等待锁的获取
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Task Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
debug_rt_printf("The RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB iPointer[%d]=");
for(int i=0; i < TEST_HEAP_BYTE_SIZE ; i++)
debug_rt_printf("%d ",iPointer[i]); // 打印被实时线程B修改后的 共享内存Heap中的值
debug_rt_printf(" ===> ");
for(int i=0; i < TEST_HEAP_BYTE_SIZE ; i++)
iPointer[i] = i+100; // 对申请到的内存进行赋值操作
debug_rt_printf("%d ",iPointer[i]);
// Release the Mutex Lock
err = rt_mutex_release(&mutex); // 清理mutex资源 对于 Xenomai 的数据资源使用完之后一定要严格回收,否则会导致资源流失,影响整个系统的资源获取
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Task Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
err = rt_heap_unbind(&heap); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待 TM_NONBLOCK
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Heap Unbind Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
err = rt_mutex_unbind(&mutex); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待 TM_NONBLOCK
if(0 != err)
debug_rt_printf("Mutex Unbind Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
MainRTPipeClient.c 主要测试了 PipeClient 相关内容,需要配合 MainRTPipeServer.c
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <native/timer.h>
#include <native/task.h>
#include <native/alarm.h>
#include <native/cond.h>
#include <native/queue.h>
#include <native/event.h>
#include <native/heap.h>
#include <native/mutex.h>
#include <native/pipe.h>
#define TASK_PRIO 99 /* Highest RT Priority */
#define TASK_MODE 0 /* No Flags */
#define TASK_STKSZ 0 /* Stack Size(Use Default One) */
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA(void *pUsrArg);
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB(void *pUsrArg);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ret,err;
// RT_TASK RTTaskHandleB;
// err = rt_task_create(&RTTaskHandleB, "RTTaskHandleB", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE); // 创建一个实时线程 线程优先级可以测试 但是未发现影响 可能定时完成时间充足,未发现阻塞的情况
// if(0 != err)
// {
// printf("Pipe Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
// }
// err = rt_task_start(&RTTaskHandleB, &RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB, NULL); // 启动一个普通的实时任务,不通过 rt_alarm_wait 看门狗定时器延迟等待
// if(0 != err)
// {
// printf("Pipe Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
// }
rt_printf("## Running ##:%s-%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
FILE *PipeHandle = NULL;
char DataBuffer[30];
PipeHandle = fopen("/dev/rtp1", "r");
ssize_t DataLen = 0;
DataLen = fread(DataBuffer, 1, 30, PipeHandle);
if( DataLen > 0 )
for(int i = 0 ; i < DataLen ; i++)
printf("%c", DataBuffer[i]);
// RT_PIPE pipe;
// const char PipeName[] = "/proc/xenomai/registry/rtipc/xddp/PipeTest"; // "PipeTest";
// err = rt_pipe_bind(&pipe, PipeName, TM_INFINITE); // 不限时等待绑定 TM_INFINITE TM_NONBLOCK
// if(0 != err)
// {
// rt_printf("Pipe Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
// }
// int SamplePeriod = 200000000;
// rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次
// ssize_t DataLen = 0;
// char data_read[10]={0};
// while(1)
// {
// rt_task_wait_period(NULL);
// DataLen = rt_pipe_read(&pipe, data_read, 10, TM_NONBLOCK); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待读取到Pipe中的数据
// if(DataLen < 0)
// {
// rt_printf("Pipe No Data Recieved Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", DataLen, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
// continue;
// }
// rt_printf("Recieve Data[%d]: %s\n", DataLen, data_read);
// }
// err = rt_pipe_unbind(&pipe); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待 TM_NONBLOCK
// if(0 != err)
// {
// rt_printf("Pipe Unbind Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
// }
return 0;
* 函数名称: // void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA(void *pUsrArg)
* 功能描述: // 创建共享 Heap 堆内存 以及 Mutex 锁,并通过 RT_Mutex 锁获取抢占共享资源
* 访问的表: //
* 修改的表: //
* 输出参数: // 对输出参数的说明
* 返 回 值: //
* 其它说明: // 其它说明
* 修改日期 修改人 修改内容
* -----------------------------------------------
* 2021/11/02 XXXX XXXX
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA(void *pUsrArg)
int ret,err;
rt_printf("## Running ##:%s-%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
RT_PIPE pipe;
const char PipeName[] = "PipeTest";
err = rt_pipe_create(&pipe, PipeName, 1, 1000); // P_MINOR_AUTO:设备Pipe节点自动创建功能 poolsize:0 Pipe管道缓冲池的大小,设置为0时则直接使用 Xenomai 系统的Heap空间
if(0 != err)
rt_printf("Pipe Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
int SamplePeriod = 200000000;
rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次
size_t data_count;
const char writer_data[] = "Writer PIPE DATA...";
const char stream_data[] = "Stream PIPE DATA...";
// unsigned long long st = rt_timer_read(); // 获取 Xenomai 的实时线程当前时间
data_count = rt_pipe_write(&pipe, writer_data, strlen(writer_data), P_NORMAL); // 使用write的方式完成Pipe数据的传输过程 mode:P_URGENT 标识数据的后入先出顺序 LIFO | P_NORMAL==>FIFO
rt_task_sleep(10); // rt-thread 实时线程延迟函数 相对延时函数 最小延迟精度 clock ticks 需要绝对延时时间使用 rt_task_sleep_until() 接口 单位纳秒 ns
data_count = rt_pipe_stream(&pipe, stream_data, strlen(writer_data)); // 使用流的方式Stream传输数据
rt_printf("RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA %d Datas Send over...\n", data_count);
err = rt_pipe_delete(&pipe); // 清理mutex资源 对于 Xenomai 的数据资源使用完之后一定要严格回收,否则会导致资源流失,影响整个系统的资源获取
if(0 != err)
rt_printf("Pipe Delete Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
* 函数名称: // void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB(void *pUsrArg)
* 功能描述: // 通过 Bind 相关接口,获取实时线程A中创建的Heap以及Mutex,从而通过获取Mutex的权限对共享内存Heap的内容进行修改
* 访问的表: //
* 修改的表: //
* 输出参数: // 对输出参数的说明
* 返 回 值: //
* 其它说明: // 其它说明
* 修改日期 修改人 修改内容
* -----------------------------------------------
* 2021/11/02 XXXX XXXX
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB(void *pUsrArg)
int ret,err;
rt_printf("## Running ##:%s-%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
int SamplePeriod = 200000000;
rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次
RT_PIPE pipe;
const char PipeName[] = "PipeTest";
err = rt_pipe_bind(&pipe, PipeName, TM_NONBLOCK); // 不限时等待绑定 TM_INFINTE TM_NONBLOCK
if(0 != err)
rt_printf("Pipe Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
ssize_t DataLen = 0;
char data_read[10]={0};
DataLen = rt_pipe_read(&pipe, data_read, 10, TM_NONBLOCK); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待读取到Pipe中的数据
if(DataLen < 0)
rt_printf("Pipe No Data Recieved Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", DataLen, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
rt_printf("Recieve Data[%d]: %s\n", DataLen, data_read);
err = rt_pipe_unbind(&pipe); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待 TM_NONBLOCK
if(0 != err)
rt_printf("Pipe Unbind Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
MainRTPipeServer.c 主要测试了 PipeClient 相关内容,需要配合 MainRTPipeClient.c
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <native/timer.h>
#include <native/task.h>
#include <native/alarm.h>
#include <native/cond.h>
#include <native/queue.h>
#include <native/event.h>
#include <native/heap.h>
#include <native/mutex.h>
#include <native/pipe.h>
#define TASK_PRIO 99 /* Highest RT Priority */
#define TASK_MODE 0 /* No Flags */
#define TASK_STKSZ 0 /* Stack Size(Use Default One) */
#define FORK_DEBUG 0
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA(void *pUsrArg);
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB(void *pUsrArg);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ret,err;
printf("Master Process PID:%ld\n", (long)getpid());
RT_TASK RTTaskHandleA;
err = rt_task_create(&RTTaskHandleA, "RTTaskHandleA", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE); // 创建一个实时线程
if(0 != err)
printf("Pipe Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
err = rt_task_start(&RTTaskHandleA, &RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA, NULL); // 启动一个普通的实时任务,不通过 rt_alarm_wait 看门狗定时器延迟等待
if(0 != err)
printf("Pipe Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
pid_t sub_pid = 0;
sub_pid = fork();
if(sub_pid == 0) // 只有子进程才创建接收端的 PIPE 实时线程
RT_TASK RTTaskHandleA;
err = rt_task_create(&RTTaskHandleA, "RTTaskHandleA", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE); // 创建一个实时线程
if(0 != err)
printf("Pipe Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
err = rt_task_start(&RTTaskHandleA, &RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA, NULL); // 启动一个普通的实时任务,不通过 rt_alarm_wait 看门狗定时器延迟等待
if(0 != err)
printf("Pipe Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
RT_TASK RTTaskHandleB;
ret = rt_task_create(&RTTaskHandleB, "RTTaskHandleB", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE); // 创建一个实时线程 线程优先级可以测试 但是未发现影响 可能定时完成时间充足,未发现阻塞的情况
ret = rt_task_start(&RTTaskHandleB, &RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB, NULL); // 启动一个普通的实时任务,不通过 rt_alarm_wait 看门狗定时器延迟等待
// printf("Child Process PID:%ld\n", (long)getpid());
RT_TASK RTTaskHandleB;
err = rt_task_create(&RTTaskHandleB, "RTTaskHandleB", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE); // 创建一个实时线程 线程优先级可以测试 但是未发现影响 可能定时完成时间充足,未发现阻塞的情况
if(0 != err)
printf("Pipe Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
err = rt_task_start(&RTTaskHandleB, &RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB, NULL); // 启动一个普通的实时任务,不通过 rt_alarm_wait 看门狗定时器延迟等待
if(0 != err)
printf("Pipe Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
printf("Parent Process PID:%ld\n", (long)getpid());
return 0;
* 函数名称: // void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA(void *pUsrArg)
* 功能描述: // 创建共享 Heap 堆内存 以及 Mutex 锁,并通过 RT_Mutex 锁获取抢占共享资源
* 访问的表: //
* 修改的表: //
* 输出参数: // 对输出参数的说明
* 返 回 值: //
* 其它说明: // 其它说明
* 修改日期 修改人 修改内容
* -----------------------------------------------
* 2021/11/02 XXXX XXXX
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA(void *pUsrArg)
int ret,err;
rt_printf("## Running ##:%s-%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
int SamplePeriod = 200000000;
rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次
size_t data_count;
// unsigned long long st = rt_timer_read(); // 获取 Xenomai 的实时线程当前时间
RT_PIPE pipe;
const char PipeName[] = "PipeTest";
err = rt_pipe_create(&pipe, PipeName, 1, 1000); // minor 用来配置在Linux设备端创建 /dev/rtpN 的过程中配置 N 的号码,当minor=1时,则创建的设备为 /dev/rtp1, 如果设置为P_MINOR_AUTO:设备Pipe节点自动创建功能 poolsize:0 Pipe管道缓冲池的大小,设置为0时则直接使用 Xenomai 系统的Heap空间
if(0 != err)
rt_printf("Pipe Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
const char writer_data[] = "Writer PIPE DATA...";
const char stream_data[] = "Stream PIPE DATA...";
data_count = rt_pipe_write(&pipe, writer_data, strlen(writer_data), P_NORMAL); // 使用write的方式完成Pipe数据的传输过程 mode:P_URGENT 标识数据的后入先出顺序 LIFO | P_NORMAL==>FIFO
rt_task_sleep(10); // rt-thread 实时线程延迟函数 相对延时函数 最小延迟精度 clock ticks 需要绝对延时时间使用 rt_task_sleep_until() 接口
data_count = rt_pipe_stream(&pipe, stream_data, strlen(writer_data)); // 使用流的方式Stream传输数据
rt_printf("RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA %d Datas Send over...\n", data_count);
err = rt_pipe_delete(&pipe); // 清理mutex资源 对于 Xenomai 的数据资源使用完之后一定要严格回收,否则会导致资源流失,影响整个系统的资源获取
if(0 != err)
rt_printf("Pipe Delete Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
* 函数名称: // void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB(void *pUsrArg)
* 功能描述: // 通过 Bind 相关接口,获取实时线程A中创建的Heap以及Mutex,从而通过获取Mutex的权限对共享内存Heap的内容进行修改
* 访问的表: //
* 修改的表: //
* 输出参数: // 对输出参数的说明
* 返 回 值: //
* 其它说明: // 其它说明
* 修改日期 修改人 修改内容
* -----------------------------------------------
* 2021/11/02 XXXX XXXX
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB(void *pUsrArg)
int ret,err;
rt_printf("## Running ##:%s-%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
RT_PIPE pipe;
const char PipeName[] = "PipeTest";
err = rt_pipe_bind(&pipe, PipeName, TM_INFINITE); // 不限时等待绑定 TM_INFINTE
if(0 != err)
rt_printf("Pipe Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
int SamplePeriod = 200000000;
rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次
ssize_t DataLen = 0;
char data_read[10]={0};
DataLen = rt_pipe_read(&pipe, data_read, 10, TM_NONBLOCK); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待读取到Pipe中的数据
if(DataLen < 0)
rt_printf("Pipe No Data Recieved Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", DataLen, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
rt_printf("Recieve Data[%d]: %s\n", DataLen, data_read);
err = rt_pipe_unbind(&pipe); // TM_INFINITE 永久等待 TM_NONBLOCK
if(0 != err)
rt_printf("Pipe Unbind Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
MainRTPipeServer.c 主要测试了 PipeClient 相关内容,需要配合 MainRTPipeClient.c
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <native/timer.h>
#include <native/task.h>
#include <native/alarm.h>
#include <native/cond.h>
#include <native/queue.h>
#include <native/event.h>
#include <native/heap.h>
#include <native/mutex.h>
#include <native/sem.h>
#define TASK_PRIO 99 /* Highest RT Priority */
#define TASK_MODE 0 /* No Flags */
#define TASK_STKSZ 0 /* Stack Size(Use Default One) */
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA(void *pUsrArg);
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB(void *pUsrArg);
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleC(void *pUsrArg);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ret,err;
RT_TASK RTTaskHandleA;
ret = rt_task_create(&RTTaskHandleA, "RTTaskHandleA", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE); // 创建一个实时线程
ret = rt_task_start(&RTTaskHandleA, &RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA, NULL); // 启动一个普通的实时任务,不通过 rt_alarm_wait 看门狗定时器延迟等待
RT_TASK RTTaskHandleB;
ret = rt_task_create(&RTTaskHandleB, "RTTaskHandleB", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE); // 创建一个实时线程 线程优先级可以测试 但是未发现影响 可能定时完成时间充足,未发现阻塞的情况
ret = rt_task_start(&RTTaskHandleB, &RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB, NULL); // 启动一个普通的实时任务,不通过 rt_alarm_wait 看门狗定时器延迟等待
RT_TASK RTTaskHandleC;
ret = rt_task_create(&RTTaskHandleC, "RTTaskHandleC", TASK_STKSZ, TASK_PRIO, TASK_MODE); // 创建一个实时线程 线程优先级可以测试 但是未发现影响 可能定时完成时间充足,未发现阻塞的情况
ret = rt_task_start(&RTTaskHandleC, &RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleC, NULL); // 启动一个普通的实时任务,不通过 rt_alarm_wait 看门狗定时器延迟等待
return 0;
* 函数名称: // void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA(void *pUsrArg)
* 功能描述: // 创建共享 Heap 堆内存 以及 Mutex 锁,并通过 RT_Mutex 锁获取抢占共享资源
* 访问的表: //
* 修改的表: //
* 输出参数: // 对输出参数的说明
* 返 回 值: //
* 其它说明: // 其它说明
* 修改日期 修改人 修改内容
* -----------------------------------------------
* 2021/11/02 XXXX XXXX
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleA(void *pUsrArg)
int ret,err;
RT_SEM sem;
const char SEMName[] = "SemTest";
err = rt_sem_create(&sem, SEMName, 2, S_FIFO); // S_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用Sem S_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用Sem
if(0 != err)
printf("Sem Create Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
RT_SEM_INFO seminfo;
err = rt_sem_inquire(&sem, &seminfo); // H_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用heap H_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用heap H_SINGLE 将创建的 heap内存当作一整个内存,在alloc申请时必须整块申请,否则会报错
if(0 != err)
printf("Sem Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
printf("Sem Informations:\n");
printf(" Current Semaphore Value:%ld\n", seminfo.count);
printf(" Number of tasks waitting for this Semaphore:%d\n", seminfo.nwaiters);
printf(" Name of Semaphore:%s\n", seminfo.name);
int SamplePeriod = 200000000;
rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次
rt_sem_p(&sem, TM_INFINITE); // 永久等待 Semaphore 释放
rt_sem_inquire(&sem, &seminfo);
rt_printf("## Running-SemaphoreValue[%ld] ##:%s-%d\n", seminfo.count, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// rt_task_sleep(2000000000); // 延迟一点时间
// rt_sem_v(&sem); // Unblock the semaphore
rt_sem_v(&sem); // Unblock the semaphore
err = rt_sem_delete(&sem); // 清理mutex资源 对于 Xenomai 的数据资源使用完之后一定要严格回收,否则会导致资源流失,影响整个系统的资源获取
if(0 != err)
printf("Semaphore Delete Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
* 函数名称: // void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB(void *pUsrArg)
* 功能描述: // 通过 Bind 相关接口,获取实时线程A中创建的Heap以及Mutex,从而通过获取Mutex的权限对共享内存Heap的内容进行修改
* 访问的表: //
* 修改的表: //
* 输出参数: // 对输出参数的说明
* 返 回 值: //
* 其它说明: // 其它说明
* 修改日期 修改人 修改内容
* -----------------------------------------------
* 2021/11/02 XXXX XXXX
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleB(void *pUsrArg)
int ret,err;
// rt_printf("## Running ##:%s-%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// RT_HEAP *heap = NULL; // 这样申请时错误的,实际上rt_heap_create只是创建了以及ID号给heap,需要一个实体
RT_SEM sem;
const char SEMName[] = "SemTest";
err = rt_sem_bind(&sem, SEMName, TM_INFINITE); //
if(0 != err)
printf("Sem Bind Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
RT_SEM_INFO seminfo;
err = rt_sem_inquire(&sem, &seminfo); // H_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用heap H_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用heap H_SINGLE 将创建的 heap内存当作一整个内存,在alloc申请时必须整块申请,否则会报错
if(0 != err)
printf("Bind Sem Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
printf("Sem Bind Informations:\n");
printf(" Current Semaphore Value:%ld\n", seminfo.count);
printf(" Number of tasks waitting for this Semaphore:%d\n", seminfo.nwaiters);
printf(" Name of Semaphore:%s\n", seminfo.name);
int SamplePeriod = 200000000;
rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次
rt_sem_p(&sem, TM_INFINITE); // 永久等待 Semaphore 释放
rt_sem_inquire(&sem, &seminfo);
rt_printf("## Running-SemaphoreValue[%ld] ##:%s-%d\n", seminfo.count, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
rt_sem_v(&sem); // Unblock the semaphore
err = rt_sem_unbind(&sem); // 清理mutex资源 对于 Xenomai 的数据资源使用完之后一定要严格回收,否则会导致资源流失,影响整个系统的资源获取
if(0 != err)
printf("Semaphore Unbind Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
* 函数名称: // void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleC(void *pUsrArg)
* 功能描述: // 通过 Bind 相关接口,获取实时线程A中创建的Heap以及Mutex,从而通过获取Mutex的权限对共享内存Heap的内容进行修改
* 访问的表: //
* 修改的表: //
* 输出参数: // 对输出参数的说明
* 返 回 值: //
* 其它说明: // 其它说明
* 修改日期 修改人 修改内容
* -----------------------------------------------
* 2021/11/02 XXXX XXXX
void RT_TASK_CallBack_HandleC(void *pUsrArg)
int ret,err;
// rt_printf("## Running ##:%s-%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// RT_HEAP *heap = NULL; // 这样申请时错误的,实际上rt_heap_create只是创建了以及ID号给heap,需要一个实体
RT_SEM sem;
const char SEMName[] = "SemTest";
err = rt_sem_bind(&sem, SEMName, TM_INFINITE); //
if(0 != err)
printf("Sem Bind Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
RT_SEM_INFO seminfo;
err = rt_sem_inquire(&sem, &seminfo); // H_PRIO 以优先级排队领取可用heap H_FIFO 以先到先得的方式领取可用heap H_SINGLE 将创建的 heap内存当作一整个内存,在alloc申请时必须整块申请,否则会报错
if(0 != err)
printf("Bind Sem Get Info Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
printf("Sem Bind Informations:\n");
printf(" Current Semaphore Value:%ld\n", seminfo.count);
printf(" Number of tasks waitting for this Semaphore:%d\n", seminfo.nwaiters);
printf(" Name of Semaphore:%s\n", seminfo.name);
int SamplePeriod = 200000000;
rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW, SamplePeriod); // 200ms更新一次
rt_sem_p(&sem, TM_INFINITE); // 永久等待 Semaphore 释放
rt_sem_inquire(&sem, &seminfo);
rt_printf("## Running-SemaphoreValue[%ld] ##:%s-%d\n", seminfo.count, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
rt_sem_v(&sem); // Unblock the semaphore
err = rt_sem_unbind(&sem); // 清理mutex资源 对于 Xenomai 的数据资源使用完之后一定要严格回收,否则会导致资源流失,影响整个系统的资源获取
if(0 != err)
printf("Semaphore Unbind Error:[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]!\n", err, -EINVAL, -EIDRM, -EINTR, -EWOULDBLOCK, -ETIMEDOUT, -EPERM, -ENOMEM, -EEXIST);
# Makefile for Basler pylon C sample program
.PHONY: all clean
# The program to build
EXECUTABLE := RTDemoExe # RTDemoExePipeServer RTDemoExePipeClient RTDemoExe
# Installation directories for pylon
# Build tools and flags
CC = arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
XENO_CONFIG := xgrosconfig
CFLAGS := $(shell $(XENO_CONFIG) --opencv --pylon6 --compat --posix --alchemy --cflags)
LD := $(shell $(XENO_CONFIG) --opencv --pylon6 --compat --posix --alchemy --ldflags --mysqlc)
LD := $(LD) -lrt -lpthread -ldl -lm -lcJSON -lcrypto -lssl -lethercat_rtdm
CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS) -I ../src/ -g
MAKETIME := $(shell date "+%G.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S")
src = $(wildcard ../src/*.c)
src :=$(src) MainRTHeap.c # MainRTSem.c MainRTPipeClient.c MainRTPipeServer.c MainRTMutex.c MainRTHeap.c main.c
obj = $(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(src))
$(EXECUTABLE): $(obj)
$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LD)
scp ./$(EXECUTABLE) root@$(TARGET_IP):~/MMWorkSpace/
$(CC) -o $@ -c $< $(CFLAGS)
.PHONY: clean
rm -f $(EXECUTABLE) $(obj)