PicoRV32-on-PYNQ-Z2: An FPGA-based SoC System——RISC-V On PYNQ项目复现
?? 1?? 原始工程
?? 2?? 原始工程复现教程
?? 3?? RISCV工具链安装教程
??下面以LOCATION代表本地源存储库的安装目录,以home/xilinx代表在PYNQ-Z2开发板上的目录 ?
??由于最初的源工程是利用Vivado2017.4来创建的,可能也有一些方法可以在其他版本打开,但没有原始工程的xpr文件,所以下载了一个Vivado2017.4,网上的安装教程很多。 -
git clone https://github.com/drichmond/RISC-V-On-PYNQ
git clone --recursive https://github.com/drichmond/RISC-V-On-PYNQ

git clone --recursive https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain \home\xilinx\riscv-gnu-toolchain

??若报错Git 客户端无法验证服务器证书的有效性,因此无法建立与服务器的安全连接,可以使用以下命令来配置 Git 客户端:
git config --global http.sslVerify false
git config --global https.sslVerify false
git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000
make download-tools
- 将Picrov32封装成为Vivado IP:
??使用Vivado 2017.4创建一个工程:
Project name: picorv32_prj
Project location: LOCATION/RISC-V-On-PYNQ/ip/
Project Type: RTL Project
Source files: picorv32.v LOCATION/RISC-V-On-PYNQ/picorv32
Constraint files: None
parts: xc7z020clg400-1

??将自定义接口IP添加到Vivado工程:Flow Navigator->PROJECT MANAGER->Settings

??将该工程封装为IP核:Tools -> Create and Package New IP…
Packaging Options: Package your current project
IP location: LOCATION/RISC-V-On-PYNQ/ip/picorv32_tut
Vendor: cliffordwolf
Library: ip
Name: picorv32_tut
Display name: PicoRV32 Processor with AXI Interface(Tutorial Version)
Vendor display name: PicoRV32 Processor with AXI Interface(Tutorial Version)

??Customization Parameters:

??Ports and Interfaces:
??右键mem_axi->Edit Interface…
Interface Definition: aximm_rtl
**Port Mapping:**
AWADDR - mem_axi_awaddr
AWPROT - mem_axi_awprot
AWVALID - mem_axi_awvalid
AWREADY - mem_axi_awready
WDATA - mem_axi_wdata
WSTRB - mem_axi_wstrb
WVALID - mem_axi_wvalid
WREADY - mem_axi_wready
BVALID - mem_axi_bvalid
BREADY - mem_axi_bready
ARADDR - mem_axi_araddr
ARPROT - mem_axi_arprot
ARVALID - mem_axi_arvalid
ARREADY - mem_axi_arready
RDATA - mem_axi_rdata
RVALID - mem_axi_rvalid
RREADY - mem_axi_rready

??Addressing and Memory:
??运行Addressing and Memory Map Wizard,选择mem_axi,相关设置如下图所示??

??Review and Package:
??点击Package IP即可。
- 为PYNQ-Z2创建RISC-V比特流:
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN P15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports arduino_iic_scl_io]
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN P16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports arduino_iic_sda_io]
make synth
vivado tutorial/tutorial.xpr
??若报错没有make命令,则可\(apt-get\) \(make\)进行安装;

??Win+R打开cmd,输入\(vivado\) \(-version\)检查环境变量是否配置成功,成功则有如下显示??




?? 点击+号 , 将PicoRV32 Processor with AXI Interface (Tutorial Version) IP添加进去:


??进入Address Editor窗口,分配地址映射:

??右击tutorialProcessor/riscvBramController->Assign Address
Offset Address: 0x0000_0000
High Address: 0x0000_FFFF

??运行Tools-Validate Design,提示有warning直接跳过
??点击Generate Bitstream生成比特流文件,文件位置为:\(/tut/tutorial/tutorial.runs/impl\_1\),将tutorial_wrapper.bit文件转移到tut目录下,并改名为tutorial.bit
??点击File->Exports…->Export Block Design,导出设计到tcl文件中并覆盖之前的文件,同时需确保Automatically create top design没有被勾选

3.在PYNQ-Z2上编译RISC-V GCC工具链
- 工具链的下载:
make download-tools
??在安装完所有的模块后,执行如下命令??,便可以构建一个纯RV32IM CPU的完整工具链了
make -j$(nproc) build-riscv32im-tools

import os
path = os.environ['PATH'].split()
riscv_path = '/opt/riscv32im/bin'
if(riscv_path not in path):
print('Updating /etc/environment file... ',end="")
!sed -i 's/PATH=\"\(.*\)\"/PATH=\"\/opt\/riscv32im\/bin:\1\"/' /etc/environment
print("/etc/environment file already updated")
??显示 Updating /etc/environment file… done即配置完成。

from pynq import Overlay, GPIO, Register
import os
import inspect
from riscvonpynq.Processor import BramProcessor
class TutorialOverlay(Overlay):
"""Overlay driver for the PicoRV32 bram Overlay
This class definition must be co-located with the .tcl and .bit
file for the overlay for the search path modifications in
riscvonpynq.Overlay to work. __init__ in riscvonpynq.Overlay uses
the path of this file to search for the .bit file using the
inspect package.
class TutorialProcessor(BramProcessor):
"""Hierarchy driver for the PicoRV32 BRAM Processor
In order to be recognized as a RISC-V Processor hierarchy, three
conditions must be met: First, there must be a PS-Memory-Mapped
Block RAM Controller where the name matches the variable
_bram. Second, the hierarchy name (fullpath) must equal the
variable _name. Finally, there must be a GPIO port with the name
Subclasses of this module are responsible for setting _name (The
name of the Hierarchy), _bits (Processor bit-width), _proc
(Processor Type Name)
This class must be placed in a known location relative to the
build files for this processor. The relative path can be modified
in __get_path.
_name = 'tutorialProcessor'
_proc = 'picorv32'
_bits = 32
def checkhierarchy(cls, description):
return super().checkhierarchy(description)
def __get_path(self):
"""Get the directory path of this file, or the directory path of the
class that inherits from this class.
# Get file path of the current class (i.e. /opt/python3.6/<...>/stream.py)
file_path = os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.getmodule(self)))
# Get directory path of the current class (i.e. /opt/python3.6/<...>/stream/)
return os.path.dirname(file_path)
def __init__(self, description, *args):
"""Return a new Processor object.
description : dict
Dictionary describing this processor.
build_path = os.path.join(self.__get_path(), "build")
reset_value = 0
super().__init__(build_path, reset_value, description, *args)
from . import tutorial
from . import build
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/home/xilinx/RISC-V-On-PYNQ/riscvonpynq/picorv32/')
from tut.tutorial import TutorialOverlay
overlay = TutorialOverlay("/home/xilinx/RISC-V-On-PYNQ/riscvonpynq/picorv32/tut/tutorial.bit")
%%riscvc test overlay.tutorialProcessor
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
unsigned int * arr = (unsigned int *)argv[1];
return arr[2];
